Des Moines Feed Complete Layer is a fine blend of cleaned grains with protein pellets added. It is non-medicated and safe for all adult poultry, game birds, water fowl, and exotic birds. The blend contains pre-biotics, probiotics and yeast cultures for healthy birds. Non-GMO cracked corn is included.
Crude Protein, not less than: 14.0%
Lysine, not less than: 0.4%
Methionine, not less than: 0.2%
Crude Fat, not less than: 2.5%
Crude Fiber, not more than: 5.0%
Calcium (Ca), not less than: 3.75%
Calcium (Ca), not more than: 4.0%
Phosphorus (P), not less than: 0.6%
Salt (NaCal), not less than: 0.15%
Salt (NaCal), not more than: 0.45%
Vitamin A, not less than: 3,300 IU/lb
Vitamin D3, not less than: 800 IU/lb
Vitamin E, not less than: 5.0 IU/lb
Menadione, not less than: 0.6 mg/lb